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DuraGreen| DURASMART+, 整体照明控制解决方案

时间:2022-03-04 17:25:47

DuraSmart+ lighting controls offer luxury, comfort and convenience in the hospitality and commercial sectors and are an integral part of today’s smart homes. With control options ranging from keypads, remotes, tablets, smartphone apps and voice command, DuraSmart provides the user with ultimate flexibility.

DuraSmart+ 为商业空间和家居空间提供奢华、舒适和便利的照明控制解决方案。DuraSmart 的控制选项包括墙壁面板、遥控器、平板电脑、智能手机应用程序和语音命令,为用户提供了极致的灵活性。


DuraSmart PLC system provides all the benefits of a sophisticated lighting control system with same wiring requirement as traditional mechanical switches and can be used in both new and retro-fit installations. This unique capability provides the most cost effective and simple to install solution saving on cabling and re-decoration.

DuraSmart PLC 系统具有复杂照明控制系统的所有优点,与传统机械开关相同的布线要求,开关盒无需布零线,即可用于全新装修,也可以用于改装升级。这种独特的功能提供了最具成本效益和易于安装的解决方案,节省了布线和重新装修的成本。


Simple connection of the DuraSmart Hub to a  router provides programming access via Wi-Fi and allows control from the DuraSmart App, giving access to both scene and individual control. The DuraSmart App provides the ultimate in flexible control of the DuraGreen lighting system from local area network or anywhere in the world via the internet. Select rooms and control brightness or colour temperature of lights with the on screen touch sliders. Save changes to a desired scene, close curtains whilst away from home, then select a welcome scene upon return.


Unique PLC solution


三回路单火线调光调色开关 + 四场景 (每个场景整合开闭两个动作)

3 Circuit PLC Dimmable and CCT Tunable + 4 Scene Switch 

each scene has on and off set up 

三回路单火线调光开关 + 五场景 (每个场景整合开闭两个动作)

3 Circuit PLC Dimmable + 5 Scene Switch 

each scene has on and off set up 

两回路单火线调光调色 + 一回路开关 + 四场景 (每个场景整合开闭两个动作)

2 Circuit PLC Dimmable and CCT Tunable + 1 Circuit Smart Switch + 4 Scene Switch 

each scene has on and off set up 

适合空间中有不可调光的装饰灯回路 (1路射灯调光调色 + 1路灯带调光调色 + 1路装饰灯不调光)

Good for space with non-dimmable decorative light

两回路单火线调光 + 一回路开关 + 五场景 (每个场景整合开闭两个动作)

2 Circuit PLC Dimmable a + 1 Circuit Smart Switch + 5 Scene Switch 

each scene has on and off set up 

适合空间中有不可调光的装饰灯回路 (1路射灯调光 + 1路灯带调光 + 1路装饰灯不调光)

Good for space with non-dimmable decorative light

At DuraGreen, we realise that planning a project can be confusing, especially with the vast array of lamp types and fittings now available. With a hugely experienced support team and our super integrated PLC system, there’s always reliability and efficiency ensured


Wiring Guide


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